Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies
1. Name. The name of the organization shall be Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES).
2. Purpose. The purpose of the Association is to promote scholarly exchange among persons interested in comparative studies of economic systems, planning, and economic development and to further the growth of systematic knowledge in this area by facilitating research, instruction, and publication.
3. Membership. Any person sharing the stated goal of the organization may become and remain a member by paying the annual dues.
4. Organization. The activities of the Association shall be directed by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, President Elect, Past-President, Executive Secretary, and four other members. All except the Executive Secretary shall be elected by the membership, the President for a one-year term (with re-election possible) and the other members for three year terms, two positions to be filled each year. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the elected officers, and shall hold office for a three-year term with the option to renew for a second term. The Executive Committee shall organize itself, and conduct the business of the Association in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.
5. Meetings. A general membership meeting shall be held at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, to hear reports of the officers, and to act on business before the Association. At these meetings a minimum of forty members present is required to approve actions.
6. Amendment Procedure. A proposal for amendment of the Constitution may be made at the annual meeting. If approved by a majority vote of the members present and constituting a quorum, it shall be submitted within three months to a vote by email of all members. A favorable two-thirds vote of all members voting shall be sufficient for ratification and adoption.
1. Membership. A person may become a member of the Association by so requesting through a communication to the Executive Secretary. A member may withdraw by informing the Executive Secretary in writing that they no longer wish to be a member.
2. Student Members. Student membership shall be available, to any student registered at a college or university, with membership dues at half the regular rate, and limited to no more than five years.
3. Rights and obligations of members. All members shall have the right to participate in the activities of the Association, and in the election of Officers. Membership involves no obligation other than the payment of annual dues. The Executive Committee shall establish the amount of the annual dues.
4. Duties of Officers. The President shall be the principal executive officer responsible for carrying out the actions decided on by the membership and Executive Committee. They shall have specific responsibility for arranging programs at national and regional meetings.
5. The Executive Secretary shall perform the duties of secretary and treasurer under the direction of the Executive Committee. The Executive Secretary will serve a three-year term, with the option to continue for a second term.
Election Procedure.
a. At least five months before the annual membership meeting, the Executive Committee shall submit by email a panel of one or two names each for the position of President and Vice-President, and two to four candidates for the positions of the two Executive Committee members whose terms are about to expire.
b. Members may require the Executive Committee to add to the panel names of other candidates for these positions by submitting to the Executive Secretary a petition of nomination signed by five members of the Association and accompanied by a statement that the nominee has indicated their willingness to serve. Such petition must be submitted no later than August1st.
c. If, on August 1st, there are only as many nominees for the several positions as there are vacancies to be filled, they will be declared elected by the Executive Committee.
d. If, on August 1st, there are more nominees for the several positions than vacancies to be filled, an election shall be conducted by mail during the month of August. The respective candidate receiving the largest number of votes for President, and the two candidates receiving the largest number of votes for the position of Executive Committee member, will be declared elected. In the event of ties, the Executive Committee shall choose one of the tying candidates for the vacant position.
e. The results of the election shall be announced at the annual membership meeting and the new Executive Committee shall take office immediately following the meeting.
6. Amendment Procedure. Proposals for amendment of these By-Laws may be made by the Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by at least ten members. Such proposals shall be distributed to the membership within three months for a vote by email. A favorable majority vote of members voting shall constitute adoption.