2024 Summer School
ACES is excited to announce its 2024 Summer School in Political Economy from August 16 - 18, 2024 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Applications will be accepted through April 1, 2024. Please review this page for information about the program of events and application instructions. If you wish to circulate the information more widely, you may link to this page or download this document.
We also invite you to review information about our 2022 Summer School in London and our 2023 Summer School in Berkeley, California.
Attendees and faculty at the 2024 ACES Summer School at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, August 16 - 18.
The Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES) is pleased to present the 3rd annual ACES Political Economy Summer School in August 2024. This 2.5-day summer school will expose graduate students to cutting-edge research in political economy, economic history, and development economics, and offer students a unique opportunity to interact with mentors. Participants will receive feedback on their research ideas in focused mentoring sessions both from faculty and from other students. The school also provides an opportunity to develop networks with other young scholars interested in political economy and related subfields of economics.
The ACES is grateful for the support and co-sponsorship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong-University of California San Diego Joint Laboratory on Chinese Economy, which has helped to make this year’s School in Asia possible.
The sessions will be held at InnoPort, Inter-University Hall, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
August 16
9:00-12:30 Sara Lowes, Filipe Campante, Ruben Durante teach and share their research production processes
2:00-5:00 Small-group mentoring session
August 17
9:00-12:30 Tuan Hwee Sng, Michael Song, Ruixue Jia teach and share their research production processes
2:00-5:00 Small-group mentoring session
August 18
9:00-10:30 Keynote and Public Lecture I: Ekaterina Zhuravskaya: "Fighting misinformation on social media"
11:00-12:30 Keynote and Public Lecture II: Sergei Guriev, "Political Economy of Populism”
(Those who are not participating in the summer school but wish to attend the lectures should register via this link. Summer School participants are not required to register.)
Application Information
ACES is recruiting applications from PhD students interested in political economy, economic history, and development economics. The Association aims to have a 20-student cohort, and encourages those from developing countries to apply. ACES is pleased to pay for meals and accommodation for students selected to participate. To apply, please submit a two-page research outline on a specific topic and a CV to Brian Deutsch, Coordinator of Membership Services, at briandeutsch@pitt.edu. The deadline is April 1, 2024; applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Those accepted will be responsible for arranging their own visas, if needed, so please be mindful of this when applying.
about ACES
The Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES) is the leading scholarly organization for the support of comparative economic studies. Its world-wide membership includes academics, economists and political scientists employed by international agencies, governments and private firms and banks as well as policy makers. The purpose of the Association is to provide scholarly exchange among persons interested in comparative studies of economic systems, institutions, and economic performance and development and to further the growth of research and instruction on these topics.
ACES supports scholars through several initiatives, including this Summer School, the ACES Dissertation Research Fellowship. and support for annual ASSA meeting participation, among other areas. Consider supporting ACES through an annual paid membership or by joining our free affiliate network.